

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 On the third day of the Chinese New Year, people usually don’t go out for visiting, because this day is believed to be “Chi Kou Ri” (the day of red mouth). It is generally accepted that this day is not a good day to socialize or visit relatives and friends, because “red mouth” in Chinese culture is easy to cause quarrels and fights. This day is also known as “Chi Gou Ri” (the day of Red Dog). The Red Dog is the God of Blazing [ ˈbleɪzɪŋ ] Wrath [ ræθ ]. Bad things will happen if people run into the Red Dog. So, on this day, older people who believe in superstition will stay at home all day long. 在春节的第三天,人们经常不外出,因为这一天被叫做“赤口日”。人们认为这天不是个社交和走亲访友的好日子,因为根据中国的文化,“红嘴”容易在这一天容易与人发生口角争执。这一天也叫做“赤狗日”。传说中「赤狗」是「熛怒之神」。如果人们遇到红狗,会有不好的事情发生。所以在这一天,相信迷信的老人们会一天都待在家里。 The third day of the Chinese New Year is an ominous[ ˈɑ:mɪnəs ] day, so there are many other things people are forbidden to do according to the traditional customs. For example, on this day, people are not allowed to clean the house, make a fire, draw water and so on. In some regions, people are also forbidden to eat rice because they believe this can lead to reduction of rice’s and other crops’ output. However, with time progress, fewer and fewer people believe in the superstition. More and more people take this day as a precious opportunity for family reunion. 第三天传说是不太好的一天,所以根据传统文化,有很多的禁忌。比如,在这一天,大家(最好不要)打扫屋子,不要生火,不汲水等等。在一些区域,人们不吃米,因为吃米会影响大米和其他农作物的收成。但是,随着时间的推移,越来越少的人相信迷信。更多的人把这一天认为是和家人团聚的机会。