2020到2021的心灵奇旅 · 永清

2020到2021的心灵奇旅 · 永清

为你读英语美文 · 第394期 主播:永清 There is one story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish and says, "I&`&m trying to find this thing they call the ocean." 有一个一条鱼的故事。他游到一条年长的鱼面前,说:“我在寻找他们说的海洋。” "The ocean?" says the older fish. "That&`&s what you&`&re in right now." “海洋?” 年长的鱼说,“你就在海洋里呀。” "This?" says the young fish." This is water. What I want is the ocean." “这里?”年轻的鱼说,“这是水,我要找的是海洋。” Sometimes we are like this young fish, trying to find the ocean, but we are already in the ocean. Sometimes, we are trying to find the purpose of life, but the purpose of life is life itself. 有时候,我们就像这条年轻的鱼,努力寻找海洋,殊不知,我们已经身处海洋之中。有时候,我们努力寻找生活的目标,殊不知,生活的目标就是生活本身。 Life is not all about goals, or achievements. It&`&s about living, right here in this moment, exactly where you are. 生活不只是目标,成就。生活还是活在当下,活在此刻。 When a musician is playing the piano with all his heart, he is glowing with light. 当一位音乐家全身心弹奏起钢琴时,他在发光。 When a hairdresser concentrates on hairdressing, he is saving people just like doctors do. 当一位理发师专心理发时,他和医生一样在拯救人们。 When you begin to enjoy the falling leaves of a tree, the singing among the crowds in the subway, the great joy which food brings to you, yes, when you begin to love life and live in the moment, the spark of your life will be ignited. Your spark isn&`&t your purpose. That last box fills in when you&`&re ready to come live. 当你开始享受一棵树的落叶时,地铁里穿过拥挤人群传来的歌声时,食物带来的美妙感受时,对,当你开始热爱生活,活在当下时,你生命的火花就被点燃了。火花并不是生活的目标,在你想要生活的那一刻,火花就被点亮了。 ▎主播介绍 永清:为你读英语美文创始人 后期,编辑:永清