

每天关注微信第二条,有慢英学~ 英语大神也可以关注我们的全英微信公众号cri_english噢~ 英音: An alliance has been launched in Beijing in an attempt to advance China's strategic plan for innovation. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance consists of 137 universities and 50 enterprises. Initiated by Tsinghua University, the alliance aims to build a platform for universities to share their experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, deepen educational reform and nurture students' innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. Tsinghua University announced its proposal for the alliance in April and was supported by many other schools and enterprises. A majority of the new alliance's members are key educational institutions, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University in eastern China and Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast China. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance n. 中国高校创新创业教育联盟 由清华大学发起的、包括137所高校和50家企事业单位在内的联盟,6月11日在清华大学举行成立大会。该联盟将在教育部的指导下,联合各成员单位共同研讨创新创业教育的理念、方法和体制机制,为全社会提供优质的创新创业教育资源,形成良好的创新创业教育生态,培养更多创新创业人才,为实施创新驱动发展战略作贡献。 initiate vt. 发起,创始 initiate的这种用法跟propose一致,两者可以互换。同理,它们对应的名词形式initiative和proposal也一致,可以互换。 例句: The project was initiated by a group of celebrities, so it’s not surprising that it received lots of press coverage from day one. (这个项目是由一群明星发起的,所以它从一开始就获得了大量的媒体报道,这并不让人觉得意外。) I don’t care who initiated the plan. It doesn’t make sense, and I’m not going to greenlight it. (我不管这个计划最早是谁提出来的。它不合逻辑,我自然不会批准。) Harbin Institute of Technology n. 哈尔滨工业大学 简称哈工大,位于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,首批“211工程”、“985工程”重点建设院校,“九校联盟”、“中俄工科大学联盟”成员,入选国家首批“111计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越计划”,为中管副部级建制,由工信部、教育部、黑龙江省人民政府三方重点共建。哈尔滨工业大学溯源于1920年创办的哈尔滨中俄工业学校,建校初衷为培养铁路工程技术人才;而后历经“中俄工业大学校”、“哈尔滨工业大学校”、“哈尔滨高等工业学校”等多个阶段,在1938年1月正式定名为哈尔滨工业大学,沿用至今。 P.S. 涉及到“哈尔”的中国地名,在英语中的拼写一律采用har,而不用拼音ha’er。除了哈尔滨,另一典型是Qiqihar(齐齐哈尔)。