

从昨晚到今天,我还是始终不敢相信,一个看来鲜衣怒马风华正茂的人就这样离去。早上未起床窗外就一直放着佛音,耳边伴随着诵经的声音,终于平静一点接受这个事实了。 我并不是他的粉丝,以前还觉得他性格太自我,比赛时期就很“烈”。但是听到消息的时候还是难过得揪心。更不敢想象他的亲朋粉丝的心情。 现在回想,只能庆幸我不管对谁,都不会去微博等他们本人能看到的公共平台说别人的不是。 这个世界压力这么大,谁也不知道谁的光鲜亮丽背后隐藏着什么样的不堪重负。也许你一句黑一句脏在有的人那里根本就看不上眼,但也许你隐藏在网络马甲背后的一言一行就是最后一根稻草。 希望造谣传谣者停止自己恶劣的行为;希望一些思路新颖到借此现在到处跑到别的明星微博下骂人是罪魁祸首以及在各种论坛骂其他网民的人收敛一些;希望死者和亲友的隐私能够得到尊重;希望大家都能开始正视抑郁症、焦虑症等病症,对身边的人更加留心和关爱,在网络上说话也稍微节制一点。 希望你过得好。 《SWIM》 Jacks Mannequin You gotta swim Swim for your life Swim for the music That saves you When you're not so sure you'll survive You gotta swim Swim when it hurts The whole world is watching You haven't come this far To fall off the earth The currents will pull you Away from your love Just keep your head above I found a tidal wave Begging to tear down the door Memories like bullets They fired at me from a gun Cracking me open now I swim to brighter days In spite of the absense of sun Choking on salt water I'm not giving in You gotta swim Tonight's the moment Swim for your family Your mothers your sisters Your brothers your friends You gotta swim For wars without cause Swim for these lost politicians Who don't see their greed is a flaw The currents will pull us Away from our love Just keep your head above I found a tidal wave Begging to tear down the door Memories like bullets They fired at me from a gun Cracking me open now I swim to brighter days In spite of the absense of sun Choking on salt water I'm not giving in I'm not giving in Swim You gotta swim Swim in the dark There's an ocean to drift in Feel the tide shifting away from this war Yeah you gotta swim Don't let yourself sink Just follow the horizon I promise it's not as far as you think Currents will drag us away from our love Just keep your head above Just keep your head above Swim Just keep your head above Swim Just keep your head above Swim