中英配文)拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第三章 3

中英配文)拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第三章 3

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Hana watched him sitting on the hamper, clear-eyed, smiling. During the last stages of the war Caravaggio had become one of the numerous morphia thieves. He had sniffed out her medical supplies within hours of his arrival. The small tubes of morphine were now a source for him. Caravaggio carried two or three in his pocket all day long, slipping the fluid into his flesh. 她看着他,双眼炯炯有神地微笑着。在战争末期,卡拉瓦焦成了为数众多的吗啡盗窃者之一。他到这儿几个小时,便嗅出了药品的存量。用药管装着的吗啡成了他的目标。卡拉瓦焦每天带着两、三支,放在口袋里,需要时注射进自己的肌肉。 “Leave him alone. He’s my patient.” “I won’t damage him. The morphine and alcohol will take away the pain.” “别碰他,他是我的病人。” “我不会害他的,吗啡和酒精能够消除痛苦。” (3 CC’s BROMPTON COCKTAIL. 3:00 P.M.) Caravaggio slips the book out of the man’s hands. “When you crashed in the desert—where were you flying from?” “I was leaving the Gilf Kebir. I had gone there to collect someone. In late August. Nineteen forty-two.” “During the war? Everyone must have left by then.” “Yes. There were just armies.” “What happened in 1942? ” (3CC布朗普顿鸡尾酒。下午三点钟。) 卡拉瓦焦从英国病人手里把那本书抽出来。 “当你在沙漠坠落的时候……你正从哪里飞来?” “我正好离开基尔夫•克尔比尔,我去那儿接个人。那是在一九四二年八月底。” “在战争时期?那时大家很可能都离开那里了。” “是的,那儿全是军队。” “一九四二年发生了什么事?” I had made the journey to Cairo and was returning from there. I was slipping between the enemy, remembering old maps, hitting the pre-war caches of petrol and water, driving towards Uweinat. It was easier now that I was alone. Miles from the Gilf Kebir, the truck exploded and I capsized, rolling automatically into the sand, not wanting a spark to touch me. “我刚从开罗旅行回来,驾车行驶在交战双方之间,凭着记忆,找到战前贮藏的汽油和水,朝着乌怀拿德开去。我独自一人行事容易得多了。出了基尔夫•克尔比尔几英里远,卡车爆炸了,我本能地翻身滚进了沙漠,免得碰到火花。” The truck exploded, probably sabotaged. There were spies among the Bedouin,Leaving the truck, I started walking towards Uweinat, where I knew there was a buried plane. “卡车爆炸了,也许有人蓄意破坏。在贝都因人中有很多间谍, “离开了卡车,我开始朝着乌怀拿德的方向走去。我知道那儿埋藏着一架飞机。” Wait. What do you mean, a buried plane? “等等,你这是什么意思,一架被埋藏的飞机?” Madox had an old plane in the early days, which he had shaved down to the essentials—the only “extra” was the closed bubble of cockpit, crucial for desert flights. During our times in the desert he had taught me to fly. “马多克斯早先有一架老飞机,他已经装上了必要的配件——惟一的特别之处在于驾驶舱的密闭防风罩,这对沙漠飞行是至关重要的。我们在沙漠里共事的时候,他已教会了我飞行。 When Clifton’s plane—Rupert—flew into our midst, the aging plane of Madox’s was left where it was, covered with a tarpaulin, pegged down in one of the northeast alcoves of Uweinat. Sand collected over it gradually for the next few years. None of us thought we would see it again. “当杰弗里•克利夫顿的飞机——鲁珀特——飞来时,马多克斯的老飞机就被留在了原地。用防水帆布盖起来,固定在乌怀拿德东北面的一个洼地里。此后几年,沙子覆盖了它。我们都没想到还能再见到它。 So you were walking towards it? Yes. Four nights of walking. Everywhere there was war. I walked towards Uweinat. I got there about noon and climbed up into the caves of the plateau. Above the well named Ain Dua. “于是你就向乌怀拿德走去?” “是的,走了四夜。到处都在打仗,我向乌怀拿德走去。我大约在正午的时候到达那里,爬进那座高地的岩洞,在那口叫爱因•杜阿的水井上方。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】