

纽约美食家眼中的羊肉泡馍 Eating in Xi’an, Where Wheat and Lamb Speak to China’s Varied Palette 吃在西安,从小麦和羊肉中看见多彩的中国 By Ligaya Mishan I have come to Xi’an, like many before me, to eat yangrou paomo in the old town’s Muslim Quarter, a warren of aged alleys measuring roughly a square mile. 和以往的很多人一样,我来西安,也是为了钻进老城区占地约一平方英里的回民街,去它纵横交错的古老巷道中吃羊肉泡馍。 At Lao Liu Jia Paomo, a clattering, no-nonsense canteen, the meal begins with an empty bowl and a pale round of flatbread, steamed and crisped until it’s hard on the outside but still spongy within. 老刘家泡馍馆是一家嘈杂而利索的小馆子。在这里吃饭,首先端到你面前的是一个空碗和一片浅色的薄面饼,它经过先蒸后烙,口感外硬里软。 All customers are enlisted as prep cooks: Before we can eat, we must tear the bread into a hundred tiny pieces to fill that bowl. The bread then submerged — mo meaning “bread” and pao “soak” — in a fennel-laced broth of lamb bones simmered for half a day, with fatty cuts of yangrou (lamb) on top. 所有的顾客都好像成了厨师的帮手:在可以进餐之前,我们必须把薄饼掰碎成上百个小块儿,装满之前的空碗。之后,面饼(mo 的意思是“面包”,而 pao 的意思是“浸泡”)会被淹没在煨了半天、带有茴香味的羊骨汤中,其上还会摆上肥美的羊肉块。 The drenched crumbs suggest a proto-noodle, as if knots of raw dough had been dropped directly into the broth to boil and set. It’s life-affirming; I can feel a plush new layer forming under my skin, protecting me from winter. 这种泡透的小面团让人想到一种原始的面条,好像一堆生面团小疙瘩被直接扔进肉汤里煮到成型一样。它让人发觉:人间值得。我能感到自己的皮肤之下舒舒服服地新长出了一层绒,护我于严冬之外。 Yangrou paomo belongs wholly to China’s north. Lamb is a legacy of nomadic herding on the Eurasian Steppe that reaches from Mongolia to Hungary. The presence of bread, too, attests to a geographical rift, marked by the Qinling Mountains, which separate the cool north from the warm and humid south, the wheat fields from the rice paddies. 羊肉泡馍为中国北方所独有。羊肉源自于横跨蒙古和匈牙利的欧亚大草原,这里曾盛行游牧。面包的存在则印证了地理上的分界线:秦岭隔开了凉爽的北方和温暖潮湿的南方,也隔开了麦田和稻田。 内容拓展: default setting 默认设置、配置 生词好句 1.Speak to 作为……真实存在的证据(to be evidence that sth. exists or is true) 2.Varied UK /ˈveərɪd/ US /ˈverɪd/ adj. 各种各样的 3.Palette UK /ˈpælət/ US /ˈpælət/ n. 调色板 拓展: palate n.(对美食的)鉴赏力 4.Quarter UK /ˈkwɔːtə/ US /ˈkwɑːtər/ n. 城市里具有相同性质(独特风味)的地区 拓展: Chinese Quarter 华人区 Muslim Quarter 回民区,坊上 5.warren UK /ˈwɒrən/ US /ˈwɔːrən/ n. 特别拥挤的地区 拓展: a warren of narrow streets 狭窄而密集的街道 6.alleys UK /ˈæli/ US /ˈæli/ n. 小街;小巷 7.clattering UK /ˈklætə/ US /ˈklætər/ vt./vi.(使)发出响亮的撞击声 拓展: clattering adj. 嘈杂的 8.no-nonsense adj. 务实的,不说废话的(only interested in doing what is necessary) 9.canteen UK /kænˈtiːn/ US /kænˈtiːn/ n. (特指单位或学校的)食堂 10.a pale round of 一片、一块(a slice of) 11.steamed UK /stiːm/ US /stiːm/ vt. 蒸(食物) 拓展: steamed dumplings 蒸饺 12.crisped UK /krɪsp/ US /krɪsp/ vt. (使)变脆 13.spongy UK /ˈspʌndʒi/ US /ˈspʌndʒi/ adj. (像海绵一般的)松软的,有弹性的 拓展: The earth is spongy from rain. 雨后的泥土很松软有弹性。 The bread had a spongy texture. 面包的质感很松软。 14.enlisted UK /ɪnˈlɪst/ US /ɪnˈlɪst/ vi./vt. 征召,招募 拓展: enlist in the army 服兵役 enlist the help of the public in solving the crime 寻求公众协助破案 15.prep cooks 帮厨 16.submerged UK /səbˈmɜːdʒ/ US /səbˈmɜrːdʒ/ vi.(使)潜入水中;淹没 拓展: emerge v. 浮出水面;出现,显现 17.soak UK /səʊk/ US /soʊk/ vi. 浸泡 18.fennel-laced 加了茴香的 拓展: sth. + laced 添加了……的,加了……料的 lace v. 在食物、饮料中添加 I laced my coffee with some Whisky. 我在咖啡里加了威士忌。 A cup of whisky-laced hot chocolate is the ideal drink in winter. 在寒冷的冬日,能喝一杯威士忌热巧克力简直再好不过了。 19.broth UK /brɒθ/ US /brɑːθ/ n. 肉汤 20.simmered UK /ˈsɪmə/ US /ˈsɪmər/ vi. 炖 21.fatty UK /ˈfæti/ US /ˈfæti/ adj. 肥美的 22.cuts UK /kʌt/ US /kʌt/ n. (从屠宰后动物躯体上)切下的肉块(量词) 23.drenched UK /drentʃ/ US /drentʃ/ vt. (使)浸透,湿透 24.suggest UK /səˈdʒest/ US /səˈdʒest/ vt. 使人联想到…… 25.proto-noodle n. 生面条 拓展: 前缀proto- 表示最初的,没有加工、修饰的(meaning original or primitive) prototype UK /ˈprəʊtətaɪp/ US /ˈproʊtətaɪp/ n. (产品或设计的)原型 26.life-affirming UK /ˈlaɪfəˌfɜːmɪŋ/ US /ˈlaɪfəˌfɜrːmɪŋ/ adj. 积极向上的 27.plush UK /plʌʃ/ US /plʌʃ/ adj. 带着绒毛的,长毛绒的 28.nomadic herding 游牧业 29.presence UK /ˈprezəns/ US /ˈprezəns/ n. 出现,存在 30.attests to 证明、证实某样东西的存在 拓展: 近义表达:speak to sth. 31.geographical rift 地理分界线 拓展: rift n. 裂缝; 裂口; 破裂处 (a crack, a split or a break in sth.) 32.wheat fields 麦田 33.rice paddies