

Ovarian cancer 卵巢癌 The ovaries are the female reproductive glands. They consist of three types of cells:epithelial, germ, and stromal. When the cells in the ovaries grow abnormally, they develop into tumors that can be noncancerous or cancerous. If cancerous tumors are not detected early, the cancer cells can spread from the ovaries throughout the pelvic region and continue to spread to the abdominal area and other organs. 卵巢是女性生殖腺。它由三种类型的细胞组成:上皮细胞、生殖细胞和基质细胞。卵巢中的细胞异常生长时,它们会发展成为良性或恶性肿瘤。如果未能及早检测恶性肿瘤,那么,癌细胞会由卵巢扩散至整个盆腔区域,并继续扩散至腹部区域和其它器官。 Determining the stage of ovarian cancer is very important in developing a treatment plan. At stage one, cancer is limited to one or both of the ovaries. In stage two, ovarian cancer extends to the pelvis area. In stage three, ovarian cancer has spread to the abdominal region. In stage four,  ovarian cancer extends into the liver,or to locations beyond the abdominal area. Ovarian cancer treatment typically includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of therapies. 确定卵巢癌分期对于制定治疗计划非常重要。第一阶段,肿瘤局限于一个或两个卵巢内。第二阶段,卵巢肿瘤延伸至骨盆区域。第三阶段,卵巢癌细胞扩散至腹部区域。第四阶段,卵巢癌细胞扩散至肝脏,或腹部以外的其它区域。通常地,卵巢癌治疗包括手术治疗,化疗,放疗或联合治疗。 【language points】 1.epithelial/ˌepɪ'θi:lɪəl/adj.上皮的,皮膜的 2.stroma /'strəumə/【解】(红血球或其他细胞的)无色海绵状细胞膜;基质 3.短语学习 prostate stromal 前列腺间质 stromal component 基质成分 stromal osteoblast 基质成骨细胞 stromal thickness 基质厚度 extend from 伸出来 【拓展】 卵巢ovary的词缀有两个 ▲oophor/o[ˌəʊəfəro]&ovari/o[əʊ'veərou] ▲卵巢是女性的性腺器官(The female reproductive glands)。 主要功能是产生与排出卵子,并分泌甾体激素。 现在来认识一下卵巢的解剖学结构: ▲medulla[mɪ'dʌlə] 髓质 ▲cortex 皮质 ▲surface:cuboidal [kju:'bɔɪdl]epithelium 立方上皮 ★卵巢表面无腹膜覆盖,由单层立方上皮覆盖,称为生发上皮。 ▲卵巢的主要韧带 ■Ligament of ovary 卵巢韧带 ■Suspensory ligament of ovary 卵巢悬韧带,内含卵巢动静脉 又称为骨盆漏斗韧带 infundibulopelvic ligament ▲我们来学习以下关于ovary的一些词根。 ▲o/o-、ov/o-、ovul/o-=egg 例如: oocyte卵母细胞 ovum卵子 ovulation排卵      ▲oophor/o&ovari/o=ovary 卵巢 ★oophor/o 主要与下列后缀连用: -itis(炎症) -ectomy(切除术) -pexy(固定术) -plasty(修复术) -tomy(切开术) 如:oophorectomy卵巢切除术 常见于: salpingooophorectomy输卵管-卵巢切除术 oophoritis 卵巢炎 ★ovari/o主要与-an连用 ovarian artery 卵巢动脉 ovarian cyst 卵巢囊肿 ovarian cycle 卵巢周期 ovarian cancer 卵巢癌 (资料来源:nucleus medical media;图片来源于网络) Bgm-it’s a beautiful day 撰稿讲解:福建医科大学 淑铉铉铉